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Hope for Today – Acts 2:14-47

We have been praying for revival in 2020. This COVID-19 crisis could be a catalyst for the greatest spiritual awakening of our lifetime! People are open and we have hope to share! Looking again at the first century believers, we’ll see six lessons from Acts 2 that give us hope for today.

Their Communication
In Acts 2, we see that Peter applied Scripture to their day. He quoted from Joel and from the Psalms and made application. People do not need for us to be medical experts on coronavirus, nor do they need to hear our political opinions. They need encouragement from the word of God. Peter pointed to the cross and resurrection in verses 23-24. That is where we need to point people to find hope. Keep your social media positive and Christ-centered. DL Moody said, “You may find hundreds of faultfinders among professed Christians; but all their criticism will not lead one solitary soul to Christ.” Stay in communication with each other. Call, text, and comfort each other with the word of God.

Their Conversions
Verse 41 says, “Then those who gladly received his word were baptized; and that day about three thousand souls were added to them.” When I gave the invitation Sunday before last for people to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved, 201 people responded online to let us know that they said YES to Jesus! I don’t know what all God is doing but that puts hope in my heart that people are more open to the gospel during these unprecedented days. The timing of “Who’s Your One?” and the Coronavirus Pandemic is no coincidence. God’s ways are not our ways. His thoughts not our thoughts. God can take this mess and turn it into a life-saving message!

Their Continuation
“And they continued steadfastly…” (v. 42). We will continue to worship together online each week. Prioritize Sunday worship with your family. These are fearful times. I have never seen anything like it in my lifetime. We pray the fear of the unknown will turn to the fear of the Lord! In the all of the plagues and pandemics throughout history, the church has continued and will continue until the Lord returns.

Their Condition
Now is the time to put aside all our differences and come together as ONE nation under God. Verse 44 says, “Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common….” Some have compared the COVID-19 pandemic to 9-11. After 9-11, churches were filled, and I can only hope and pray when this plague passes that churches will once again be filled, and we will not forsake or take for granted the assembling of ourselves together. Church is about Christians standing together and being there for each other. Do you and your spouse have all things in common? Of course not! No two people agree on every issue. Learn to love each other and not make everything an issue. Give no place to the devil!

Their Contribution
While we cannot attend church, we are continuing to be the Church. I cannot begin to list all the ways I have heard the Liberty family is helping each other and ministering to the community. Whether it’s groceries, gift cards, medical supplies, yard work, etc., I am so proud of all you are doing! The early church “sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need” (v. 45). We should continue to seek out and meet ministry needs. This week we put together a COVID-19 Task Force to coordinate needs with supplies and resources. Watch our website for updates on needs and how you can help. Also, remember the 3663 missionaries and their families who are depending on our support. Let’s be faithful in our giving so these ministries can continue. If you need anything at all during these difficult days, please call us. God blesses us so that we can bless others.

Their Commission
“So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved” (v. 46-47). Notice the word “daily.” “Who’s Your One” is a daily thing. We have to be daily praying, caring, sharing, and talking to people. Remember the WHY. The why trumps the how, what, when, and where. The why keeps you going when it is tough. One out of one person dies and after death faces judgment. Whether from the coronavirus, a car wreck, or cancer, people who die without Jesus spend eternity in hell. We have hope to share!

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