Campus Parties

What a great day we had yesterday celebrating with the 2020 graduates and their families! It was so good to have people in the room as we worshipped, and it was great to celebrate the accomplishment of our seniors across campuses.

This coming Sunday, July 5, is a very special day as we will begin to meet back at our campuses. We are calling it Campus Parties! Just like you’ve been meeting in homes and watching online together in small groups, we will meet this Sunday at all our campuses to watch in larger groups… with our campus families. We will have one service at 9:00 a.m. at each of our locations.

We understand that senior adults, families with young kids, or those with underlying heath issues may choose to continue worshipping online, but for those who are able, we look forward to welcoming you back home this Sunday!

This is certainly a time when we need each other. We were not meant to do life alone. I’ve been so encouraged to hear how you’ve been checking on each other, praying for each other, and encouraging each other. Keep that up! Everyone is hurting and you never know how a small gesture can go such a long way.

Tammy and I love you, love serving the Lord with you at Liberty, and we look forward to seeing you soon!

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