Who’s Your One? Prayer Guide – Day 18

For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord’s glory, as the
water covers the sea.

God, You have promised there will be a day when Your glory is seen and known throughout the earth.
Right now, ________ does not have knowledge of Your glory. He/she is lost. I know Your glory already
fills the earth. It’s seen in amazing sunrises, powerful thunderstorms and the laughter of children. Everywhere I look, I see things that cause me to praise You! ________ is blind to Your glory. He/she sees beauty and does not attribute it to You. He/she experiences joy and fails to understand You created it. Change his/her heart so he/she can know the Source of all that is great in this life.

Excerpted from the Who’s Your One? 30-Day Prayer Guide produced by NAMB.

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