Are You Living In Truth?

In today’s world, where opinions often outshine facts and truth seems relative, the letters of 2 John and 3 John remind us of the unwavering foundation we have in God’s Word. These short but powerful “postcards” from the Apostle John challenge us to live by the truth, love in the truth, and guard against anything that opposes the truth. Here’s what we can learn from these final letters in our series on the “Letters of John.”

The Authority of Truth

John emphasizes the importance of knowing the truth: “Whom I love in truth—not only I, but also all who know the truth” (2 John 1). Truth is mentioned five times in the first four verses of 2 John, underscoring its central role in our lives. But what is truth? Truth is God’s absolute standard. It is not relative or based on feelings or circumstances. It is a certain way of looking at everything, grounded in God’s Word. A biblical worldview shapes our ethics, decisions, and actions. When faced with challenges, confusion, or deception, God’s Word becomes our anchor. Whether the topic is life and death, marriage and family, or work and finances, Scripture provides the answers. As John reminds us, truth keeps us from being swayed by emotions or fooled by lies.

The Balance of Truth and Love

John masterfully ties truth and love together: “This is love, that we walk according to his commands” (2 John 6). Truth without love can become harsh, while love without truth lacks substance. This Thanksgiving, as we gather with family and friends, let’s prioritize love rooted in truth. Avoid divisive arguments and focus on gratitude and encouragement. Find common ground rather than a battleground, and let kindness and forgiveness pave the way for gospel conversations.

Guarding Against Deception

John warns of the danger of false teachers: “Many deceivers have gone out into the world” (2 John 7). These deceivers deny fundamental truths, like Jesus Christ coming in the flesh. John calls us to discernment, urging us not to support or share in the work of those who spread falsehoods. As believers, we must be vigilant about what we support, ensuring that our time, talents, and resources advance the truth of the gospel.

The Generosity of Truth

In 3 John, John commends Gaius for his generosity and faithfulness to the truth: “Dear friend, you are acting faithfully in whatever you do for the brothers and sisters, especially when they are strangers” (3 John 5). Gaius’s example reminds us that supporting God’s work is a tangible way to advance the truth. Whether through giving, serving, or encouraging others, our generosity has eternal impact. God calls us to partner with Him in spreading the gospel, and He promises rewards for faithful service.

The Legacy of Truth

Every one of us leaves a legacy. John contrasts three individuals in 3 John—Gaius, Diotrephes, and Demetrius—showing the lasting impact of their actions. Gaius exemplifies faithfulness and generosity, Demetrius earns praise for his integrity, and Diotrephes serves as a cautionary tale of pride and division. How will you be remembered? Will your life point others to Christ, or will it reflect selfish ambitions? As we strive to leave a godly legacy, let’s remember that our greatest reward is the opportunity to lay our crowns at Jesus’ feet in worship.

Are You Living in Truth?

The letters of John remind us that truth is not just something we believe but something we live. It shapes our decisions, fuels our love for others, and strengthens our witness to the world. This Thanksgiving, reflect on how the truth of God’s Word has shaped your life. Are you walking in truth, showing generosity, and leaving a legacy that honors Christ?

We’d love to walk alongside you in your faith journey. Plan your visit at or connect with us through our Connect Card. Together, let’s live in the truth and share it with a world in need.

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