The 2414 Discipleship Program is based on Matthew 24:14:

“And this Gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”

Our goal with 2414 is to train students to have a biblical understanding of Christianity in general and learn strategies for reaching people with the gospel.

We train the students to understand different cultures, apologetics, and how to witness in cultures who may not recognize the Bible as an authoritative book. They also learn various ways to use stories, like Jesus did, to transmit truth to a world that resist truth.

After the training, we take the students to Africa to work among an unreached people group. They become the leaders as they prepare and plan to spend a week in Africa.

A Quick Overview of 2414

  • Discipleship Program
  • Open to Juniors and Seniors in High School
  • The program is Ten months in length
  • 2414 culminates in a trip to Africa in the summer of 2025.
  • Each student will learn how to be confident in their faith and have the ability to discuss Christianity with a wide variety of beliefs and ideas.
  • Each Student must complete the program requirements to be eligible for the trip.
  • This program meets once every five weeks on average.


The criteria to join 2414 is:

  • Be a baptized (by immersion) follower of Jesus Christ.
  • Be a member or regular attender of Liberty Live Church.
  • Be active in Liberty Students at one of our campuses. Active means attending a group or Wednesday night worship at least 2-3 weeks of the month.
  • Have their parent or guardian’s approval.
  • Have the approval of their campus Student Pastor.
  • Currently be in either the 11th or 12th grade.
  • Raise a portion of the money necessary for their summer trip to Africa. We will teach students how to fundraise; we have never had a student unable to go because of funding. Liberty will provide 60% of the funds and the student is responsible for the other 40%.

If you have questions, please contact our Global Missions Pastor, Ken McLemore at kmclemore@libertylive.church