We all know what it is like to be on the receiving end of broken promises. When it happens enough, it can leave us jaded, cynical, or skeptical. People, in…
During the holidays you are around people you seldom see. Sometimes that involves spending time with family, coworkers, and peers that given the choice, you may not pick to be…
December is always such a full season. With its fullness comes many opportunities! There are three opportunities that we have the next couple of weeks that I don’t want you…
What a timely message we heard on Sunday! God moved! If you missed it, Daniel kicked off our series on Peace preaching on Isaiah 26:3, “You keep him in perfect…
As I was preparing for our Thanksgiving series, I looked at all the passages in the Bible where “thanksgiving” is used. Jonah is one of the most popular stories in…
Thanksgiving is only a few days away. There is always reason to be thankful. If you need a little encouragement this year, look at Isaiah 51. There are three things…
God is concerned with our thinking and our living. God wants us to have an attitude of gratitude. Second Corinthians 8-9 is the most extensive section on giving in all…
Everyone gets discouraged, depressed, anxious, and fearful. Worry is a thief. It steals your joy. No one wants to live this way, but at times we all do. So how…
What makes us most happy in life? It is not more money, success, or achievements. No. It is relationships. Happiness was made to be shared. God never intended us to…
Teamwork is powerful! Teams build ships, launch rockets, educate students, perform life-saving surgeries, and win championships! Teams face all kinds of adversity, challenges, and tests, but together they overcome. Teamwork…