As Christians, there are certain things we need to put off and certain things we need to put on. We read this last week at the beginning of Colossians 3.…
Colossians 3 is a bridge text that connects the doctrinal and the practical. In chapters 1-2, Paul states that Jesus Christ is over creation, salvation, and the church. In chapters…
If I put up a comparison chart of world religions, I could show you their symbols (star of David, the cross, star and crescent, etc.), their book (Torah, Bible, Quran,…
We live in a world of substitutes. A substitute teacher can explain, answer, and instruct but they can’t change the syllabus or change your grade. Diet drinks serve a purpose,…
It’s hard to believe that it’s been almost 10 years since Tammy and I first led Marriage: Up Close & Personal. We continue to hear testimonies of how God used…
Just because you were born in a Christian family does not make you a Christian, just like being born in a hospital doesn’t make you a doctor! Just because you…
The theme of Colossians is the sufficiency and supremacy of Jesus. It’s stated in Colossians 1:15-17: “He is the image of the invisible God… For everything was created by him…all…