As we continue through Galatians 3, Paul continues to elaborate on the true Gospel. The key verse is verse 11: “Now it is clear that no one is justified before…
Last week, in Galatians 1, we saw that there was another gospel that was being taught to the Galatians, even though there is only one true gospel. The true gospel…
This Sunday, we started a new series in Galatians. I love to walk through books of the Bible and I’m so excited about this one. Martin Luther said Galatians was…
Guest Blogger: Zachary Ethridge Have you ever been at a place in your life where you’ve wondered, “Is it really worth it to follow God?” Have you even felt like…
Holidays are found throughout scripture. Jesus died on the Jewish holiday of Passover and He rose from the dead on the Feast of First-fruits. The Holy Spirit came on the…
What a storyline of reversals! Vashti was divorced for not coming to the King when he called. Esther was rewarded for coming to the King when he didn’t call. Esther…
Father’s Day was Sunday. If you are a father, Happy Father’s Day! Mordecai was a father figure to Esther. Not only did he save the King’s life by stopping an…