Guest Blogger: Chip Dean We need to know our enemy. I believe that summer is a heightened season for temptation. We must guard our flesh, eyes, and pride with more…
The story of Esther is a story of what my friend David Platt calls “Cosmic Coincidences.” There are so many things that seemingly “just so happened.” Looking at those things,…
Every day we are faced with situations that require a decision. Some decisions are simple. Others are much more serious. Esther has decided to go to the King and plead…
This week we will look again at Esther 4. Remember, Esther is an orphan girl who was adopted by her cousin Mordecai. She was exalted to the highest position that…
The situation in Esther chapter 3 was desperate. So, in chapter 4 the Jews Cry Out to God. In Grief The story of Esther is one heartache after another. There…
Guest Blogger: Dalton Stoltz I remember meeting Lindsay for the first time. I was a freshman at Liberty University and she was a senior in high school. I worked at…