How Can I Show More Kindness in My Daily Life?

By: Pastor Zac Ethridge

Kindness. It’s a simple word, but let’s be honest—it’s not always easy to live out. We live in a world that often rewards self-promotion over selflessness and where busyness can make us forget to slow down and truly see people. But kindness is a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22), which means it’s not just something we do—it’s something God produces in us. So, how do we grow in kindness? How do we become the kind of people who reflect the love of Jesus in a world that desperately needs it?

Remember That Kindness Is God’s Character

First and foremost, kindness starts with God. Romans 2:4 reminds us that it’s God’s kindness that leads us to repentance. That means every time we experience His grace, His forgiveness, and His patience, we are experiencing His kindness. And if God has been kind to us, then we should be kind to others. We don’t show kindness because people deserve it—we show kindness because we’ve received it. We reflect the heart of God when we extend grace, patience, and love to those around us.

Kindness Is More Than Being Nice

Sometimes we confuse kindness with simply being polite. But biblical kindness goes beyond a smile or a friendly word—it’s love in action. Think about the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37). He didn’t just feel bad for the wounded man—he stopped, bandaged his wounds, and paid for his care. Kindness requires action. It means stepping in when someone is hurting, offering encouragement when someone is struggling, and giving even when it’s inconvenient. If you’re wondering where to start, here’s a simple challenge: every day, ask yourself, Who can I show kindness to today? Maybe it’s a family member, a coworker, a neighbor, or even a stranger. Look for opportunities to put kindness into action.

Kindness Can Change Someone’s Life

You never know the impact one small act of kindness can have. A kind word, a helping hand, or a simple act of generosity can be the difference between someone feeling invisible and feeling seen, between someone losing hope and finding encouragement. Ephesians 4:32 says, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Kindness isn’t just about good manners—it’s about extending the same grace and love that Jesus has given us. So, let’s be people who go the extra mile. Let’s be known for our kindness. Let’s show the love of Jesus in real, tangible ways—because kindness has the power to change the world.

Experience the Kindness of God Today

The ultimate display of kindness is the love of Jesus. If you’ve never experienced that love, we invite you to come and see what it’s all about. Join us at Liberty Live Church, where you’ll find a community that welcomes you with open arms. Plan your visit today at, or fill out our connect card at We’d love to walk alongside you as we grow in kindness together!

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