Noah’s ark is one of the most well-known stories in the Bible. While the flood is often known as a sweet children’s story, it is really a story about judgment.…
“April showers bring May flowers.” Well guess what? May 1 is this Saturday! As we look toward a new month, I hope you will sense an opportunity for a fresh…
The Bible, although made up of many books, is one story. Genesis is the first book that begins this story. It is foundational. If we don’t understand Genesis, we will…
The word “Genesis” means beginning. In Genesis, we find the fundamental foundational truths for life. Psalm 11:3 says, “If the foundations are destroyed what can the righteous do?” It’s so…
Having now looked at five of the seven sayings from Jesus on the cross, today we will look at the last two. We’ve seen Jesus’ words of forgiveness, salvation, love,…
There are seven sayings of Jesus from the cross. The first was a word of forgiveness: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” The second was…
Jesus’ final words as He died on the cross were brief and few. The agony and pain were such that death by crucifixion was really death by suffocation. Yet, as…
Death is always a troubling experience. Regardless of the circumstances surrounding it, no matter how long it may have been expected or how sudden, no matter how old and sick…