How to Experience God in Your Everyday Life

One of the most important questions we can ask ourselves is, “How do I experience God in my everyday life?” We all desire a deeper connection with God, and the good news is, you can experience Him personally and powerfully each day! In the book of 1 John, the apostle John shows us exactly how to do this. It starts with understanding three key aspects of God’s nature: His life, His light, and His love.

  1. Experience His Life

John, who walked with Jesus during His earthly ministry, writes to us about the “Word of life”—Jesus Himself. This isn’t secondhand information. John is telling us what he saw, what he heard, and what he personally experienced. And here’s the good news: You can experience God’s life, too! Jesus didn’t just come to give us information—He came to give us life, abundant and eternal life. When we receive Jesus, we enter into fellowship with God, the same fellowship that John had. This is what brings complete joy—not just knowing about God, but knowing Him personally.

  1. Experience His Light

John also reminds us that God is light, and in Him, there is no darkness at all. When we walk in His light, it transforms the way we see the world and ourselves. It exposes the sin in our lives, but it also brings healing and forgiveness. If we confess our sins, God is faithful to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Walking in the light means living according to God’s truth, following His commands, and allowing His light to guide our every step.

  1. Experience His Love

Finally, John says that God is love. This love isn’t just a feeling; it’s an action, a choice. Jesus didn’t just tell us to love one another—He showed us how to love by laying down His life for us. If we want to walk as Jesus walked, we must love as He loved. This love is what sets us apart as followers of Christ. It’s not just about loving those who love us back; it’s about loving everyone, even those who are difficult to love. When God’s love is alive in us, it shines as a witness to the world around us.

How to Experience God Today

So, how do you experience God in your everyday life? You experience His life, His light, and His love. Just as John had a close relationship with Jesus, you can have that same closeness. God is inviting you to walk with Him, talk with Him, and experience His presence in every part of your life.

If you’d like to dive deeper into this message and learn how to apply these truths to your life, you can watch the full service here or plan a visit to one of our campuses this Sunday. Come experience God’s life, light, and love in a community that’s ready to welcome you!

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