The Power of Knowing

We live in a world that constantly pulls us in different directions, promising fulfillment through things that don’t last. In 1 John 2, the word know appears 14 times, revealing the importance of knowing God and growing in spiritual awareness. This knowledge isn’t just academic—it’s transformational. It’s what gives us strength and discernment to stand firm in our faith, even when the world pushes us to compromise.

Spiritual Awareness: Recognizing Your Journey

John writes to various groups in the church: fathers, young men, and children. These represent different stages in our spiritual journey. No matter where you are, God is making you stronger. Whether you’re just starting out or have been walking with God for years, you’re part of a bigger plan. God is using every experience in your life to shape you, making you stronger for what’s ahead.

Have you ever gone through a tough time, only to come out stronger on the other side? That’s what John is pointing to when he says, “You are strong, and the Word of God abides in you.” God is using the challenges you’re facing to build strength and spiritual awareness, but none of us can do it alone. We need the local church, small groups, and the body of believers to lift us up and help us stay strong.

Spiritual Affection: Loving God, Not the World

John also warns us about where we place our affections. “Do not love the world or the things in the world.” The world, in this context, represents a system that opposes God. It tempts us to define success by material things and fleeting pleasures. But love for the world and love for God cannot coexist. The world will always fall short of its promises, but God’s love endures forever.

Kevin DeYoung once said, “Worldliness is what makes sin look normal and righteousness look strange.” Isn’t that true? The more the world shifts away from God, the more it normalizes sin. As believers, we’re called to a higher standard. Success isn’t found in what we accumulate, but in knowing God, serving others, and leaving a legacy that reflects His glory.

Spiritual Anointing: Living in His Power

John finishes this chapter by talking about an anointing from God, which is available to every believer. This anointing helps us discern truth from lies, giving us the spiritual insight to navigate a world filled with deception. When we stay close to God, the Holy Spirit drops in everything we need for life and godliness.

You don’t have to rely on your own strength to live a godly life. You have the Holy Spirit within you to guide, teach, and empower you. God is calling you to remain in Him, to abide in His Word, and when you do, sin will begin to lose its grip. The more you rest in Him, the more you’ll find that His truth will set you free from the lies of this world.

God has an incredible journey for you—one filled with growth, strength, and purpose. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, we invite you to join us at Liberty Live Church. Plan your visit today here, or take a moment to fill out our connect card so we can walk this journey of faith together.

God bless you!

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