What is Pastor Grant’s Daily Prayer Declaration?

 Daily Declaration 

Jesus Christ is Lord of my life and I live to serve and glorify Him. 

I will grow closer to Him and receive His supernatural blessing, influence, anointing, and protection. 

Today, the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart will be pleasing to God and minister grace and life to the hearer. 

I take all thoughts captive and make them obedient to Christ. 

I will live a disciplined life. I will live this day with purpose, direction, and meaning. 

I will love my wife and will honor and value her as a gift from God. 

I will love my children and grandchildren and lead them to love God and serve Him with their whole hearts. I will nurture, empower, and bless them to do what God has called them to do. 

I will love people and will always believe the best about others. 

I am called to reach people far from God and take others on a spiritual journey to know God, find community, serve people, and leave a legacy. 

I am called to equip leaders and help the Church reach her full potential. 

I am called to invest my life in the next generation and empower them to do more than my generation ever did. 

I will bring my best and the world will be better because I served Jesus today. 

Today I love God, love people, pursue excellence, and choose joy. 

I live to make Jesus famous and give all glory to God alone. 

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